KnoxNano harnesses the beneficial properties of natural lipids to create encapsulate-free, preventative nanosupplements. We tailor our lipid nanoparticles for specific therapeutic applications by rationally selecting amphiphilic biomolecules based on their naturopathic properties. We also synthesize custom lipids by coupling naturally occurring therapeutic compounds to fatty acids. KnoxNano has the expertise and resources to manufacture and optimize a variety of lipid assemblages.
Knoxnano’s first wave of anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer nanosupplements are currently in development. Our nanosupplements will be delivered topically or orally, depending on application. The naturopathic nanoparticles devised by KnoxNano also serve as experimental drug delivery platforms for treating cancer and vascular disease.
KnoxNano believes that naturopathy and allopathy are not mutually exclusive. We use the latest technology and information from both fields to advance the prevention and treatment of conditions ranging from tumors and infections to inflammation and joint pain.
KnoxNano was founded in 2018 as an LLC. Our main goals are to advance lipid vesicles as natural prophylactics and improve their efficacy as medicinal nanocarriers. Check back for updates about our products and services, and more information about how therapeutic molecules can work better in nanosupplements than as free molecules. Our first line of nanosupplement products are under development and will be available in 2024.